A benefit that has came from being a student at university is the wide variety of companies that you are introduced to.
Recently a member from Pressision visited the university to deliver a talk to the students about the commercial printing processes that they offer. Along with him he brought many different samples and sample books for each student to keep.
His talk included a lot of helpful information to consider when you are personally dealing with a external print company. I wrote down a check list that he discussed to refer to in the future.
The check list included:
Job name and description
Delivery date
Flat size before folding (WxH)
Finish size after binding (WxH)
Page count
Paper stock (weight, colour, texture)
Ink choice (CNYK)
Binding (Folded, bound, colour, material)
Finishing (Embossing, foil lettering, coating)
Job format (What file will be sent, PDF, InDesign, Mac, Windows)
Shipping and packaging
Any further information
By checking off each of those points on the lists above it ensures that you cover all bases and you receive a product that you want. I have first hand experienced this, as small details can go a miss or be miss interpreted if not stated clearly in writing.