CC Imaging is a printing company based in Leeds. They have a wide range of photographic printing options from small scale giclee printing to large scale sticky transfer prints.
Alec is the new manager of the company, he came to deliver a talk to the students on my course about their printing facilities. Along with him he brought a range of photographic samples printed on some of their best selling papers and machinery.
He discussed a range of printers and papers, but his company are best used for stand alone imagery, rather than books or booklet projects, this is due to the printers they have not being able to print double sided. However after listening to Alec's talk what seems like the best papers to try are photo rag for a super matt finish, good for smaller scale prints and giclee printing is good for large scale prints and saturated colours.
Interesting Tip ~
Before sending off any imagery to a print company you should ensure to reduce your screen brightness to 50%, this is due to the brightness of a screen removing all of the colours you can see in a printed image. But when you reduce the brightness more tonalities of colours can be seen, giving a more accurate representation of what the image will look like when printed.
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