After a lecture from Max, he held a few work review sessions. I booked in to have him review my most recent images taken for my project based on motherhood.
With Max's work being very narrative based and metaphorical at times I found similarities within his and my own work, so gaining his opinion on my current project would give me a different in-site to what the audience may perceive. Also with my work being about females and motherhood it was interesting to observe a males perspective from my project, to view whether or not they also can have the same experience and connect with the feminine attributes I showcase.
The Review ~
By photographing others, rather than myself they act as a character in my story I am telling. They are a body presenting my perception of feminine, embodying my feelings and emotions into them. So although the project is taken from my perspective the use of others works well to allow a wide range of audience to connect with the imagery.
All of the images in the project do not feel forced, they're neutral and give a sense of comfort, this is due to the use of positioning and lighting. Adding to the comfortable and natural appearance, making the model feel familiar to the viewer.
Some of the imagery depict little moments that are often over looked, such as fine details of the home that makes it unique. Overall the body of work feels really honest and like a true perception of what it feels like to be a feminine and motherly.
Through being on location it adds to the natural elements, as if I tried to conduct the shoots in the studio, it removes the models and objects from their natural surroundings where they feel at home, the images may give a different appearance if removed.
Things to think about ~
Descriptions such as key words or phrases could emphasise the work, increasing the meaning and depth of the narrative. If text does get included then it needs to be descriptive, rather than using singular words. Although It is interesting how the word 'women' is not included within the book, it allows all to observe and witness the images.
All of this feedback from Max was very beneficial as it then allowed me to progress further with my work, still working on location with natural lighting was a component I never changed and ensured to keep the same, as this connoted the feelings and emotions to link to my narrative.