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Emily Ryalls: Review of my work


Another beneficial review I received on my final book project 'Living for Another' was from Emily Ryalls. Her work is very performative and creative based, focusing on her own health problems, combining feelings, emotions and true stories into all of her works, which links a lot to my photographic practice.

Review of my bound book ~

  • The choices have clearly been thought through and tested to discover the best fitting book binding methods to suit the narrative.

  • The imagery feels less clinical due to the warm tones within the images from the choice of paper.

  • A bold end paper breaks up all of the white tones throughout the book design, drawing the attention of the viewer in.

  • The variation in page and spread layouts are strong as they keep the viewers attention, making them shift the eye around the page to explore different imagery or texts.

Review of professional bound book ~

  • The size of the book work well as it is a very familiar size A5. With a diaristic feeling, good quality, and a strong sequence the documentary genre comes through. However the work is not a classic exploitative documentary, it appears like a socially engaged documentary project.

  • The narrative is a unique perspective, not many young women are seen to be allowed to discuss or explore motherhood, as they are trying to talk about something that they haven't encountered.

  • The contents inside and outside the book feels informed, a strong connection with the mothers is evident. Not just observing the surroundings but immersing myself into the community has allowed me to form a bond and facilitate the women to tell their own stories.

  • Showing the honest truths, offering ambiguity by anonymising the models spoken words to their feelings.

  • The use of text occupies the space of images, the way it is sequenced makes it not feel secondary.

  • By including myself in the photographs it comes across as a conscious decision, as though I am preparing for what may come in my future as a female.

  • A variety of photographic techniques, such as the out of focus images, present a mothering censorship, like a protective mothers instinct from their perspective.

Review of fabric print ~

  • Using a pole at the top and bottom of the image presents a visually appealing symmetry.

  • Without the bottom pole it allows the fabric to breath, encouraging flow and natural movement.

  • The portrait is a strong choice as it resembles classical portraiture conventions, using the material and the gaze of the model.

  • By using material inside of a paper print it links the fabric print back to the book project, with the material imagery inside.

Emily also suggested a great photographic competition to enter my project into which is called the Wellcome Photographic Prize. This specific competition looks into documentary works and clinical narratives, however the 2022 prize is not yet open to enter, therefore I have signed up for a email once this does open on the Wellcome website.


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