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Natasjja Barker - Statement Writing Help


Taking part in statement writing workshop with Natasjja was helpful as she provided first hand experience with writing artists statement and dissertation statements for creative students.

Some valuable advice she gave during her workshop was:

  • Do not review your own work in your statement

  • Do not express your feelings about your work in your statement

  • Write in either first or third person

  • Take ownership over your work you are writing about

  • Write in a confident and direct manner

  • Do not directly describe the work, allow the audience to form their own understanding

A statement is used to work in conjunction, not speak for the work.

Another statement writing source ~

When you exhibit or share work with a professional body, whether that is in sculpture form, a photograph or a painting, it is expected that you provide an artist statement that supports your artwork.

I personally find it challenging to condense my whole project into 150 words or less. However, over the duration of my Bachelors degree I have been given guidance and key points to stick to.

  • How - What medium, material and methods were used.

  • What - Subject matter.

  • Why - What is the relationship between the concept and materials.

But it is still a daunting task, especially getting started therefore there are some generators that can kick start the creation of an artist statement. 500 Letters is a website that generates a general artist statement, which can give you hints on good sentence starters or filler words.


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